Telephone Record Analysis
Telephone Record Analysis
Phone record analysis is one of the most important investigative techniques in digital forensics. It allows you to reconstruct an individual's communications, track their movements and identify connections between different subjects, providing crucial information for investigations. Phone records provide detailed data on calls, SMS, Internet connections and cell towers used during communications.
Types of Data in Telephone Records
Call data
Calling and called number, date, time, duration of the call, outcome (answered, missed, rejected).
SMS data
Sender and recipient, date and time of sending, sending outcome (delivered or not delivered).
Location data (telephone cells)
Identifier of the cell connected during communication, geographic position of the cell (latitude/longitude), type of network used (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G).
Internet browsing data
Volume of data exchanged, connection time, telephone cells connected during navigation.
Phases of the Analysis of the Tables
Acquisition and Conservation
The records are requested from telephone operators through special judicial warrants. Once obtained, the data must be forensically preserved to ensure its integrity and reliability.
Data Normalization
During this phase, data is converted from heterogeneous formats (CSV, Excel, PDF) into a single structured database, eliminating any duplicate or incorrect information.
Communications Analysis:
Frequent or suspicious contacts are identified, reconstructing the relationship networks between individuals. Any anomalous calls or messages that could be relevant to the investigation are also highlighted.
Geolocation Analysis
Using cell tower data, it is possible to create maps that track a subject's movements over time. The data is cross-referenced with other sources (such as CCTV, credit cards, telepass) to obtain a more complete view of the movements.
Correlation with Other Forensic Elements
The analysis of the phone records is then compared with other digital evidence, such as data extracted from smartphones or PCs, and verified in relation to social networks, chats and video recordings.
Tools Used in Table Analysis
Data Analysis
IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook: Software that allows you to analyze connections between subjects, highlighting suspicious relationships.
Maltego: Tool used to visualize contact networks, useful for mapping relationships between individuals.
Excel and Power BI: Used for tabular data analysis and statistical reporting.
Geographic Analysis
Google Earth Pro: Tool for mapping cell towers and visualizing their movements.
ArcGIS: Software for advanced geographic data analysis and detailed map creation.
Decoding Telephone Cells
Cell Site Analysis Tool (CSAT): Used for triangulating the subject's location based on the cell towers engaged during communication.
OpenCellID: Open-source database that provides information on cell towers and their coverage, useful for verifying the location of a subject.